We are recruiting students and postdocs. Join the team!
* For undergraduate students and graduate rotation students, only those stayed for more than two semesters in the group are included.
Disheng Tang (graduate student in QBioS, May 2021-May 2022)
- Next position: PhD student in Xiaoxuan Jia’s group at Tsinghua University
Suhee Cho (undergraduate student through GT-KAIST exchange program, Jan-Dec 2021)
- Next position: Undergraduate student at KAIST, then research assistant in Jay McClelland’s lab at Stanford University
Farshad Shirani (postdoc/visiting assistant professor, July 2021-May 2023)
- Next position: Visiting assistant professor in the School of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
Connor White (undergraduate student, Aug 2023-May 2024)
Nikolas McNeal (graduate rotation student, Aug 2023-May 2024)
- Next position: PhD student in Ratan Murty’s group at Georgia Tech