Hannah Choi

Principal Investigator


Soon Ho Kim

Postdoc / Visiting Assistant Professor
School of Mathematics

Aishwarya Balwani

Graduate Student
Electrical & Computer Engineering
(Co-advised with Chris Rozell)


Zachary Mobille

Graduate Student
Quantitative Biosciences
(InQuBATE Training Fellow, CNTP Scholar, and ARCS Awardee)

Abdelrahman (Abdo) Sharafeldin

Graduate Student
Machine Learning

Kseniia Shilova

Graduate Student
Quantitative Biosciences

Alex Yang Wang

Graduate Student
Computational Science & Engineering


Eric Li

Undergraduate Student
Mathematics major
(Spring 2024 PURA Awardee)


Ambareesh Shyam Sundar

Undergraduate Student
Mathematics & Computer Science major

Lorelei Linkel

Undergraduate Student
Mathematics major

Jaden You

Undergraduate Student
Computer Science major


We are recruiting students and postdocs. Join the team!


* For undergraduate students and graduate rotation students, only those stayed for more than two semesters in the group are included.

Disheng Tang (graduate student in QBioS, May 2021-May 2022)

  • Next position: PhD student in Xiaoxuan Jia’s group at Tsinghua University

Suhee Cho (undergraduate student through GT-KAIST exchange program, Jan-Dec 2021)

  • Next position: Undergraduate student at KAIST, then research assistant in Jay McClelland’s lab at Stanford University

Farshad Shirani (postdoc/visiting assistant professor, July 2021-May 2023)

  • Next position: Visiting assistant professor in the School of Mathematics, Georgia Tech

Connor White (undergraduate student, Aug 2023-May 2024)

Nikolas McNeal (graduate rotation student, Aug 2023-May 2024)

  • Next position: PhD student in Ratan Murty’s group at Georgia Tech

Vidit Tripathi (undergraduate student, Jan 2024-Dec 2024)