We are recruiting!

We are looking for motivated and talented graduate students and postdocs who are interested in a young, evolving research group focused on employing mathematical and computational methods to answer questions about neural coding and dynamics in both data-driven brain networks and artificial neural networks.


Do you enjoy using mathematical methods to solve puzzles in neuroscience? If so, come join the team! Backgrounds in quantitative fields and prior experience with computational neuroscience are desirable. To apply, please email your CV, a research statement, and the contact information for three references to hannahch@gatech.edu. Informal inquiries are also welcome.

  • If you are interested in postdoctoral positions funded by the School of Mathematics at Georgia Tech, you can find more general positions available in the School of Mathematics at Georgia Tech here. For example, you can apply for a Hale Assistant Professor position and indicate your requested faculty mentor on your application.
Graduate Students

If you are interested in joining the group for a Ph.D, you should apply to a Georgia Tech graduate program such as Mathematics, or one of our interdisciplinary programs including Quantitative Biosciences, Computational Science and Engineering, Neuroscience and Neurotechnology, and Machine Learning.

If you are already a Ph.D student in one of these programs and would like to join the group, please email your CV, a copy of your research statement submitted as a part of your Ph.D. application, your undergraduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial copies are fine) to hannahch@gatech.edu.

Undergraduate Students

There is a limited space for undergraduate students to do research in the group. If you are interested in joining, please complete this form and send it along with your CV and your Georgia Tech transcript (unofficial is fine) to hannahch@gatech.edu.